Dryad system
Ultra-Early Warning for Forest Fires
Wildfire detection methods have remained largely unchanged for decades, with most forested areas relying on human sightings, cameras, or satellite technology, which can only detect a fire when visible above the canopy and already out of control. The adoption of new ‘ultra-early’ detection technology can reduce wildfire detection times from several hours to a matter of minutes, making it possible for firefighters to get to a fire when it is still easy to put out. Not only can sensor technology detect wildfires much faster, but it can also provide their precise location and utilize trained ‘AI’ noses to distinguish between the different fuels that ignite them.
LSA Security’s suite of asset-protection technologies now includes specific tools to protect forests by providing ultra-early warnings of fires during the smoldering phase. The technology senses the smoke, hydrogen, and other gaseous products produced in the early stages of a wildfire. The earlier firefighters know about an imminent danger, the sooner they can take action to address the fire reducing firefightings cost, economic loss, and prevent the loss of human, animal, and plant life. The need cannot be overstated. In 2020 alone, there were over 58,000 separate forest fires around the world. They impacted or destroyed over ten million acres of precious woodlands. The impact in lives and money is catastrophic and enormous. In addition to the patent-pending, ultra-early fire detection, LSA Security’s solution can provide the forest owner important information on the health and growth of the forest, such as temperature, humidity and air pressure. Our leading-edge sensors work on a long range radio network for IOT. It reduces reaction time to respond to fires and tracks the vitality and growth of the forest as well as other vital ecosystems. In this way LSA Security serves to protect and restore thisessential natural resource.
The system comprises wireless, solar powered sensors networked to a scalable distributed gateway. Our -patent-pending, distributed architecture enables large-scale deployments in areas without existing network coverage. Data collected in the network is processed using cloud-based “big-data” tools for analytics,monitoring and alerting.
The system comprises wireless, solar powered sensors networked to a scalable distributed gateway. Our -patent-pending, distributed architecture enables large-scale deployments in areas without existing network coverage. Data collected in the network is processed using cloud-based “big-data” tools for analytics,monitoring and alerting.

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