Container Monitoring - Loginno
LSA Security reached an agreement with the Israeli technology company Loginno toexclusively market their monitoring devices for shipping containers on a global basis. You canread about their cutting-edge technologies at Smart containers IoT infrastructure for shippingcompaniesLSA Security is a developer, manufacturer and integrator of solutions to protect physicalstrategic assets. Customers include both public and private entities, and its products areinstalled on international borders, prisons, power plants including nuclear and fossil fuel andgreen sites, military bases, airports and more. You can read about LSA at HOME | Land SeaAir SecurityIn the agreement with Loginno, LSA will market the Agam product of Loginno to large,medium and small shipping companies. The product has already been successfully installedat three Asian shippers, and all are now satisfied customers. LSA has brought onto its teamLaurent Bresson to lead our marketing efforts. Laurent spent over 20 years with Maersk, thesecond largest shipper in the world. He held several management positions and at the end ofhis term ran the African division of Maersk. He now runs his own consulting business thatfocuses on helping ship owners to improve their competitiveness. His belief in theLoginno/LSA project is a main reason we are racing forward to bring the product to the globalmarket.All marketing and sales of the product will run through LSA Security. As an American companythis will help us in some situations where politics may be a concern about where the productwas developed. Revenue will come from two sources. First, all sales will receive a healthycommission to LSA, this includes the hardware as well as monitoring fees (recurring revenue).Second, we are responsible for attracting customers who will be interested in licensing on anexclusive basis the system. Most shippers do not want any risk of their competitors learningtheir trade routes and trade secrets that could be found within the Loginno software.LSA has already developed interest of two large shippers (ranks approximately #10 and #20globally) who are interested in using the system on an exclusive basis therefore making asignificant capital investment. That will support growth of the business. Fees from thisarrangement could generate large returns on investment.The attached presentation outlines the offering to the shipping companies.If you have an interest in participating with us we are open to discussion. Contact JimKleinburd, CEO of LSA Security at either or +1-609-332-0518